Educational Philosophy

Christian education is a Christ-exalting process that encourages the transformation of believers more into the image of Christ in all areas and stages of life to carry out the disciple-making and cultural mandates in a local church. This process is done in cooperation with the Holy Spirit and in light of God’s sufficient and authoritative Word.

Developed by Dr. Richard E. Davis during Doctoral Seminar 34810 - Educational Theory and Ministry Practice Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Christian Education is a Christ-exalting endeavor.

Christian Education believes in the progressive sanctification of all believers.

Christian Education addresses all areas and stages of life.

Christian Education embraces the dual mandates of the local church. 

Christian Education depends upon and works with the Holy Spirit.

Christian Education holds to the sufficiency and authority of God's Word.

Christian Education holds to the Scriptural Primacy position for human development.

Christian Education promotes a biblical worldview.