Lesson Topics and Descriptions
(All lessons have been translated into Ukrainian)
Scripture and Traumatic Stress - God's Word is not silent on the psychological stressors caused by combat or in life.
Defining Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Combat changes everyone, but some soldiers can develop lasting symptoms that dysregulate one's return to life after war.
Defining Secondary Traumatic Stress - Soldiers are not the only ones who suffer from the effects of the war as spouses and children are susceptible to developing symptoms of psychological stressors.
Defining Moral Injury - Combat produces a complexity of encounters that can violate deep held beliefs in addition to posttraumatic stress.
Christians and Warfare - The debate about Christians honorably serving in the military is very important regarding soul care.
Military Training: Transforming Civilians into Soldiers - Military service involves conditioning and training to prepare the soldier’s mind and body for the rigors of war.
Defining Posttraumatic Growth - Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) can provide a pathway for one to experience positive growth after a traumatic event.
Renewing Identity and Purpose - The military lifestyle creates a unique and strong identity and purpose. Transitioning out of military service can be challenging as veterans can experience a loss of identity and purpose.
The Church and Trauma-Informed Discipleship - Members of a local church can and should be engaged in trauma-informed care as part of the church's outreach and discipleship process.
Integrated Approach to Care: Ming, Body, Soul - A true holistic approach to care must embrace the entire person as made in God’s image.
Spiritual Disciplines and Discipleship - Spiritual disciplines are critically important to our spiritual growth as the children of God and can promote significant growth after trauma.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention - Understanding suicidal ideation and the steps to help prevent suicide.
Forgiveness and Hope - Forgiveness is a challenging topic for Christians but very important in moving forward while hope for lasting growth is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
The Importance of Quality Sleep - Trauma can disrupt quality sleep that further impacts a veterans mental, social, and physical health. It is important to take active measures to regain a quality sleep cycle for Postttaumatic Growth.
Neuroscience: New and Needed - Neuroscience is a field of study that Christians should explore and be aware of while maintaining a primacy view of Scripture.
The Church and Mental Health Care - The local church is important and needed today in the care of those suffering from mental health issues.